The Unburning Bush

How can this Lord, who alone is who he is, also commit himself to his covenant? The revelation that Moses has of what is really the unburning bush is, in part, designed to reveal to Moses both of these truths. The fire, which represents the Lord himself, is in no way dependent on the bush in order to burn. The fire is, in that sense, a se. It does not need the bush for fuel; it is able to burn in and of itself. But it is also with the bush. It could easily appear on its own, because it is in need of nothing to burn. Or it could appear beside the bush. Instead, it is linked inextricably with the bush, even as the Lord himself—who is who he is—has bound himself inextricably to his people.


Scott Oliphint. Covenantal Apologetics (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2013), 73