Roman Incarnation
...the divine nature completely permeates and sets aglow the human nature, as heat does iron, and makes it participatory in the divine glory, wisdom, and power (περιχωρησις, θεωσις). From this premise it was then inferred that Christ as a human being on earth already possessed the blessed knowledge, the beatific vision of God. Even on earth Christ was already both a pilgrim and one who fully understood (comprehensor ac viator), walking not by faith but by sight. In his case, therefore, we cannot and may not speak of faith and hope. Moreover, all the gifts of which the human nature of Christ was capable were given him, not gradually but all at once, at his incarnation.
Herman Bavinck, John Bolt, and John Vriend, Reformed Dogmatics: Sin and Salvation in Christ, vol. 3 (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2006), 256.