A Rule that is Ruled

...according to [Anthony] Tuckney, the creeds and confessions are indispensable if the church is to keep its soundness in doctrine and practice. The confessional standards as norma normata (a rule that is ruled) do not compete with Scripture, which is norma normans (the rule that rules), for the final authority on doctrinal matters. Rather, they uphold Scripture by providing a coherent and systematic understanding of the Word of God. Such a unified guidance does not undermine but rather promotes the communion of saints since it can prevent unnecessary conflicts caused by doctrinal ignorance or dissension. Additionally, the study of confessions strengthens one’s godliness and deepens one’s relationship with Christ.


Youngchun Cho, Anthony Tuckney, Theologian of the Westminster Assembly (Grand Rapids, MI: Reformation Heritage Books, 2017), 91