Another Helper

...Paul’s view of the relationship between Christ and the Spirit has clear parallels with the idea present in the Johannine witness: the Son and the Spirit share an identity of ministry. The Son is paraklētos, the Spirit is allos paraklētos. Both function as paracletes, and do so successively in the earthly realm, the Spirit being another of the same kind as the Son...

Thus, to have the Spirit is to have Christ; to have Christ is to have the Spirit. Not to have the Spirit of Christ is to lack Christ. To have the Spirit of Christ is to be indwelt by Christ (Rom. 8:9-11). There is clear ontological distinction, but economic or functional equivalence.


Sinclair Ferguson, The Holy Spirit, ed. Gerald Bray, Contours of Christian Theology (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1996), 54.