Law and Grace Relative Contrast

What is intended to be seen within a comparative context should not be read in absolutist terms. The law came by Moses; grace and truth came through Christ. 26 This contrast is not absolute. Apart from other considerations, if it were, Christians would never admire the piety of the psalmist in Psalm 1: 2 (“ His delight is in the law of the Lord”) or of Psalm 119: 97 (“ Oh how I love your law”). But the truth is that Christians instinctively desire to rise to this, 27 because they recognize— at least at a subliminal level— that the law was the gracious gift of a loving Father, even if, in itself, it does not provide the power to keep   it.


Sinclair Ferguson, The Whole Christ: Legalism, Antinomianism, and Gospel Assurance—Why the Marrow Controversy Still Matters (pp. 166-167). Crossway. Kindle Edition.