Epochal Interpretation
Since Vos, we are realizing more and more that the task of the biblical interpreter is a historical and linguistic one. The tendency to read the Bible as a "dogmatic handbook" must be resisted at all costs! God has revealed himself in words and those words were given in historical settings. Truth may not be isolated abstractly from the historical and linguistic character of the Bible. In short, the biblical interpreter must be preoccupied with the method, mode, and epochs of revelation. To understand these characteristics is to begin to understand something of the covenant. Vos has told us that "the circle of revelation is not a school, but a covenant." To understand the organic, progressive, historical, linguistic, and epochal structure of the Bible is to begin to understand the very transcript of God's covenant with man.
David McWilliams , The Covenant Theology of the Westminster Confession of Faith and Recent Criticism, Westminster Theological Journal, 53 (1991), 123-124