Scope of the Whole

That Jesus Christ our Mediator, and the salvation of sinners by him, is the very substance, marrow, soul, and Scope of the whole Scriptures. As many passages not obscurely intimate unto us. What are the whole Scriptures, but as it were the spiritual swadling-cloathes of the Holy child Jesus?

1 Christ is the truth and substance of all the types and shadows.

2 Christ is the matter and substance of the Covenant of Grace under all administrations therof; under the Old-Testament Christ is veyled, under the New Covenant Revealed.

3 Christ is the Center and meeting place of all the Promises, for in him all the promises of God are yea, and they are Amen.

4 Christ is the thing signified, sealed, and exhibited in all the Sacraments of Old or New Testament, whether ordinary or extraordinary.

5 Scripture-Genealogies are to lead us on to the true Line of Christ.

6 Scripture-Chronologies, are to discover to us the times and seasons of Christ.

7 Scripture-laws, are our Schoole-Master to bring us unto Christ; the Moral by correcting, the Ceremonial by Directing; and

8 Scripture-Gospel is Christs light, whereby we know him; Christs voice whereby we heare and follow him; Christs cords of love whereby we are drawn into sweet union and Communion with him; yea it is the power of God unto Salvation unto all them that believe in Christ Jesus.

Keep therefore still Jesus Christ in your eye, in the perusal of the Scripture as the end, Scope, and substance thereof. For as the Sun gives light to all the heavenly bodies: so Jesus Christ the Sun of righteousnesse gives light to all the holy Scriptures.


Francis Roberts, Clavis Bibliorum: The key of the Bible (London, UK: T.R.; E.M., 1648), 52-53