Criticism of Supralapsarianism

Supralapsarianism, however, seems to defend God’s sovereignty by creating a system in which God is very much the author of sin and in which the fall and all the evil it brings in its wake are merely instruments for bringing about God’s glory. Also, the idea that reprobation is necessary in order to bring about a full revelation of God’s righteousness is difficult to justify from Scripture. In fact, the scheme seems to inject a harsh and unknowable arbitrariness into God. Opponents of the Reformed understanding of grace would see this as inevitable, given the Reformed view of God’s sovereignty and, indeed, it was supralapsarian-ism that helped to precipitate the great breach in Reformed theology, between so-called Calvinists and Arminians.


Carl Trueman, Grace Alone: Salvation as a Gift of God (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2017), 149