Sabbath and Eschatology

The seventh day, i.e., the Sabbath, may also be viewed as an eschatological term. The Sabbath finds its prototype in the life and works of God. Thus, it means fulfillment; not cessation and weariness, but consummation. This rest of consummation was introduced into the life of man in order to show him his goal. Even in unfallen man the Sabbath was an eschatological sign because its meaning lies in the relation of man and God. It is important to note this because it bears witness to the fundamental element of eschatology in religion. Eschatology is the essence of true religion as is shown by its pre-redemptive existence.


Geerhardus Vos, The Eschatology of the Old Testament, ed. James T. Dennison Jr. (Phillipsburg, NJ: PR Publishing, 2001), 75.