Westminster and the Holy Spirit

It would be a great mistake to think of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit as neglected, merely because it has been preferably presented under its several rubrics or parts, rather than in its entirety. How easily one may fall into such an error is fairly illustrated by certain criticisms that have been recently passed upon the Westminster Confession of Faith—which is (as a Puritan document was sure to be) very much a treatise on the work of the Spirit—as if it were deficient, in not having a chapter specifically devoted to “the Holy Spirit and His Work.” The sole reason why it does not give a chapter to this subject, however, is because it prefers to give nine chapters...


Benjamin B. Warfield. "Introductory Note" in Abraham Kuyper. The Work of the Holy Spirit (New York; London: Funk & Wagnalls, 1900), xxvii