The world says, “Look, these people have no scruples about being friendly and merry at a wedding; they even have fun celebrating at the fairs and carnivals. They think nothing of marrying their children off to Roman Catholics or to folks of some other religious persuasion.” These are respectable people! They have no misgivings about not going to church regularly, or not having family Bible study, or about neglecting the Holy Supper. They regard strict observance of the Lord’s Day as being overly scrupulous because it prevents them from going for a ride or preparing a big dinner. They make it impossible for even their most important guests to attend church in the afternoon because of the big and late Sunday dinner.4 Yet the world says these are intelligent and respectable people; they are devout, revered, admired, and popular citizens! They value the salvation of their souls just as seriously as anyone else; surely, they would not do anything to imperil their souls! What has gotten into you that you want to be such spoilsports? Do you not understand that what you are promoting is not true godliness but only obstinacy, prudishness, and hypocrisy?
Willem Teellinck, The Path of True Godliness, ed. Joel R. Beeke, trans. Annemie Godbehere, Classics of Reformed Spirituality (Grand Rapids, MI: Reformation Heritage Books, 2003), 66.